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1、明确网贷平台的合法地位,要求 platforms must register with the relevant authorities and obtain a license to operate.

2、加强监管,要求 platforms to provide comprehensive information on their operations, including borrower and investor information, loan amounts, interest rates, and default rates.

3、提高资金存管要求,确保投资者资金安全。 platforms must cooperate with banks to implement customer asset custody measures.

4、加强风险防范, platforms must establish risk management systems and measures to protect the interests of borrowers and investors.



1、保障投资者权益,提高投资安全。 with the new policy, investors can have more confidence in investing in p2p platforms, as the platforms are required to provide more comprehensive information and cooperate with banks to implement customer asset custody measures.

2、借款人要注意选择合法合规的 platforms to borrow from, as the new policy requires platforms to register with the relevant authorities and obtain a license to operate.


1、网贷平台 to comply with the new policy, platforms need to register with the relevant authorities, obtain a license, provide comprehensive information, cooperate with banks for customer asset custody, and establish risk management systems.

2、投资人 when investing in p2p platforms, investors should choose platforms that have registered with the relevant authorities and obtained a license, and carefully assess the risk of the platform before making any investment decisions.

3、借款人 when borrowing from p2p platforms, borrowers should choose platforms that have registered with the relevant authorities and obtained a license, and carefully read the terms and conditions of the loan before borrowing.



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