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一旦发现自己信用卡逾期,首先要做的就是及时联系银行。 explain that late payments can lead to additional fees, higher interest rates, and even damage to your credit score. Ask the bank if there are any options available to waive late fees or adjust your payment plan.


Next, create a payment plan that works for you. This may involve spreading out your debt over a longer period of time or making larger payments than you originally planned. Be sure to stick to your plan and make your payments on time.


It's also a good idea to review your credit report regularly to make sure that your credit score is not being negatively affected by the late payment. If you find any errors, dispute them with the credit bureaus.


Finally, learn from the experience and take steps to avoid late payments in the future. This may include setting up reminders for when your payment is due or adjusting your spending habits.


Remember, the sooner you take action to resolve a late payment, the less likely you are to experience negative consequences. If you need more help or guidance, consider seeking assistance from a financial advisor or debt counselor.




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